So, if you're an Art or Graphics student, who might be stuck on what to do with their work, listen to 'Hold Me Down,' either on iTunes, or there's a preview of the full album on YouTube. The video's down below, if you can't find it. And who knows? You might've found yourselves a new favourite band guys! The best song in the track, has to be 'Trophy Eyes,' or 'Underdog.' The soft ballad in this album, is 'Fireworks.' And my gosh, what a song. So emotional. So I try not to listen to this during the first tracks. I honestly love this album. You Me At Six were the band that brought me to the world of Rock music, so I love them dearly for that reason. They changed my life, the way I looked at things. I'm no longer the scared little girl, who was too afraid to show who she really is, I'm confident about myself. My personality. My looks, I don't care what people think of me. As long as you've got a loving family, and great friends, and that one best friend to share everything with, you're doing great, right? Most people would add, 'the boy you love,' to that list, but personally, I don't think having a boyfriend/girlfriend affects showing who you really are. You have to be yourself in order to find that one person who'll love you back, for who you are and not for who you want to be. Myself, for example, a boy likes me at school, and I like him back, but we're both the shyest people ever when it comes to expressing our feelings towards one another in front of other people. But, that's us, that's how we are. And we've liked each other for around 4-5 years, I know, loooooooong time, but yeah, that's us. So, be yourself, and you'll find the one. You'll find your-true-self. I promise.
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